
National Re's RBC Returns Positive as of Quarter IV/2022

02 February 2023

PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia (Nasional Re) managed to achieve a positive solvency ratio (risk based capital/RBC) as per quarter IV/2022. In the previous quarter, Nasional Re’s RBC was negative.

By telephony conversation on Wednesday afternoon, February 1, 2023, the President Director of Nasional Re, Albert Jimmy Rotinsulu confirmed that the RBC of the company he leads now has returned to positive. "As we can see the publication on Nasional Re's website, the RBC for quarter IV/2022 has indeed been positive," he said.
When asked to provide more information about the efforts of the company that made it back to positive again, Albert promised to explain on another occasion. "Later, when we are completely healthy, we can meet and I will an tell what we have been doing so far," he said.

Based on the 2022 Consolidated Quarterly Report published on the company's website, Nasional Re’s solvency (RBC) as at quarter IV/2022 is 1.09 percent. There is an increase as compared to the RBC in quarter III/2022 which reached minus (-) 38.88 percent.

Comparing the financial data included in the company's solvency calculation, it does seem to have improved in the final quarter of 2022. In quarter III/2022, the company's assets reached IDR 9,033.54 billion and its liabilities amounted to IDR 9,721.89 billion. In the meantime, until quarter IV/2022 the assets value reached IDR 8,840.65 billion, while the liabilities value reached IDR 8,826.10 billion.

The solvency has also increased significantly, from minus (-) IDR 688.36 billion in quarter III/2022 up positive IDR 14.55 billion in quarter IV/2020.

Source: https://mediaasuransinews.co.id/asuransi/rbc-nasional-re-kembali-positif-per-kuartal-iv-2022/

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