September 2023, Nasional Re Recorded RBC 123,7%
16 October 2023
Jakarta, October 13, 2023 - PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia (Nasional Re) recorded a solvency ratio or Risk Based Capital (RBC) of 123.7% as of September 2023. This figure has met the requirements of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), which requires a minimum reinsurance company RBC of 120%. Meanwhile, during January-September 2023, this subsidiary of PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Askrindo) booked gross premiums worth IDR 4.02 trillion.
In addition to RBC, other indicators of the financial health of reinsurance companies are the Investment Adequacy Ratio (RKI) and Equity. For RKI, as of September 2023, Nasional Re recorded an RKI of 118.91% and has met OJK's minimum requirement of 100%. As for Equity, the company booked Equity of Rp994.88 billion, while the OJK minimum requirement is Rp200 billion. Thus, for all three financial health indicators, namely RBC, RKI, and Equity, National Re has met the provisions of the OJK.
"All this is the result of the hard work of the employees, directors and commissioners of Nasional Re," said Rudy Victor Sinaga, spokesperson for Nasional Re, in Jakarta, Friday (13/10).
Rudy explained that the company is focusing on a number of initiatives contained in the Action Plan that has been approved by OJK. He said that until the end of this year, Nasional Re will continue to improve the current positive performance.