
Kick Off Meeting Risk Maturity Level Assessment

03 March 2023

The efforts of PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia (Nasional Re) in creating better corporate governance, and as a reference standard used to measure the effectiveness of implementing company risk management, on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 Nasional Re signed a partnership with PT Cipta Raya Mekar Sahitya (CRMS ) to carry out Risk Maturity Level Assessment (RMLA) for 2022.

Playing its role, CRMS will assess maturity level of risk management owned by Nasional Re using the Risk Management Maturity Model (ERMA ISO 31000:2019 RM3) which consists of 6 (six) assessment attributes, namely: Risk Management Framework, Risk Management Process, Process Management, Performance Management, Risk Culture, and Resilience & Sustainability. The results of these measurements it will later be used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Nasional Re so that it is expected to improve corporate governance and better corporate risk management in the future.

On Friday, February 10, 2023 Nasional Re started the RMLA process by holding a kick off meeting with the CRMS. Also present from Nasional Re Ms. Audi Artha Rita (Operation Director) and Mr. Defit (Technical Director), some Division Heads and RMLA Counterpart Team. From CRMS also attended and explained the presentation about RMLA Mr. Victor Riwu Kaho (Project Manager), Mr. Priyono (Assessor Team Member), Mrs. Rina Ariyanti (Project Management Office), Mr. Harris P. Marpaung (Team of Experts), Mr. Ari Bire (Team of Experts), and Mr. Ibram Pinondang (Team of Experts).

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