
Greeting from the New Board of Directors

07 February 2023

According to the results of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia (Nasional Re) dated 15 December, 2022, it has been determined that Mr. Achmad Sudiyar Dalimunthe (President Director) and Mr. Marthin Riahdim Saragih (Caretaker Technical Director) are honorably discharged from their position while a new appointed board of directors consists of Mr. Albert Jimmy Rotinsulu (President Director), Ms. Audi Artha Rita (Operations Director), and Mr. Defit (Technical Director), while Mr. Sunarso continues to carry out his duties as  Finance & HR Director according to the decision of the EGMS on 17 January 2019.

Monday, 19 December 2022 an introductory session for the New Directors was held as well as directions from the New Board of directors. In this meeting, the Board of Directors conveyed motivation to all levels in the Company to remain enthusiastic and unified in facing the condition of Nasional Re, which is currently carrying out internal improvements. The improvements made by Nasional Re are meant for Nasional Re to be able to go in a much better direction and soon will return to be more established and acknowledged in the insurance industry.

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