
Meet & Greet - New Year 2023

07 February 2023

Welcoming the New Year 2023, PT Reasuransi Nasional Indonesia (Nasional Re) held a meet & greet as welcoming the beginning of the year on Monday, 2 January 2023 at the 2nd Floor of Nasional Re Building. The event aims to synchronize again the company's vision and mission in order to improve the achievements that were achieved in 2022, and Nasional Re must be even better in 2023.

The event was attended by Mr. Teddy Sastra (Independent Commissioner), Ms. Yanti Parapat (Independent Commissioner), Mr. Albert J. Rotinsulu (President Director), Ms. Audi Artha Rita (Operations Director), Mr. Defit (Technical Director), Mr. Sunarso (Finance & HR Director), as well as all Nasional Re employees.

On this occasion, the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners who were present took turn in giving remarks and encouragement to the employees so that all elements at Nasional Re synergize with each other in order to achieve the goals that have been proclaimed. Therefore, all levels of Nasional Re must remain enthusiastic and strive more so that all assigned tasks can be completed properly.

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